Dissemination event: Erasmus+ KA2 projects in the Basque Country

 In About Tknika, Internationalisation

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Today, 20th of April 2018, a dissemination event of international innovation projects co-financed by the Erasmus + has been organized at TKNIKA.


The Spanish Erasmus+ National Agency, Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE), and the Directorate of Technology and Advanced Learning of the Vice Ministry of Vet of the Basque Government have pariticipated in the event.

David Wong, from the VET unit of SEPIE, has highlighted the key aspects for the development of a KA2 project. He has also emphasized the relevance of impact and dissemination of KA2 projects.

Then, 53 Erasmus+ KA2 projects in which VET schools from the Basque Country are taking part, have been presented.

Download the booklet.