Detect care needs that could be met using technological resources and provide solutions within the scope of VET.

This project belongs to: Technological innovation and intelligent systems

Current life expectancy in developed countries is around 80 years of age, with certain studies predicting that this age will increase to 110-120 years by 2050. Accordingly, it is more than likely that our current healthcare system will not be sustainable in the coming years if it intends to provide services like those offered up to now.

Hospital care services are currently facing a new era, a scenario involving infinite challenges, requiring innovative ways of dealing with the population, changing certain old paradigms to develop other different ones that fit current needs of everyone involved in the health system.

In this project, the Health, Electricity and Electronics vocational training groups have collaborated with representatives from the Healthcare System and technology companies from this field, in order to detect care needs that could be met using technological resources and to provide solutions within the scope of Vocational Training. This has led to a focus on technology and, more specifically, on the need to improve the structures that allow care to be provided through technological systems in the short and medium-term. Apart from being a latent requirement that will continue to boom in the next few years, this area also represents an opportunity for the development of new technology-based services focused on responding to these needs.